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The CPP team all have wide experience of applied psychology in different settings. Broadly, the areas we deal with are in businesses & organisations including aviation, healthcare settings, providing expert opinion into legal settings, or working in elite sport.


We tend to deal with individuals, teams, or work on an organisational wide level. It can be quite broad, but often we help the people we work with improve performance, deal with change, or work on improving their relationships, as well as help them to find effective means of coping with difficult or complex issues.


There are more details below, but if you have any other questions about the kinds of services we offer, please just get in touch...



psychology for....

consultancy, advice & professional services that deliver measureable benefits for corporate clients


Successful businesses are built upon their people. When the networks of relationships between those people work well - across leadership, project teams, customers, suppliers or distributors, it allows the organisation to drive strategy, performance, sales, and ultimately success & profitability.


Psychologists help make sure these relationships are at their most effective - read more...

proven & effective psychological treatments for health, family & wellbeing


As Chartered Clinical Psychologists and experienced NHS practitioners, CPP’s Consultants are uniquely well placed to understand the full spectrum of mental health issues, and to offer specialist assessment, advice, consultancy and therapeutic services to individuals, couples or families.



expert opinion & medico-legal reports


CPP accept instruction for court appointed, insurance claims or medico-legal reports. CPP Psychologists are vetted and listed on the UK Register of Expert Witnesses and the BPS Register of Expert Witnesses.


Please contact us to discuss whether a specific instruction is appropriate.



helping give athletes the edge in performance sport


Sports psychology is a rapidly growing field. Psychologists from CPP are active in elite sport, in Scotland, UK wide and internationally.


Any competitor in any sport will benefit from giving careful consideration to their psychological approach to performance. This can make the difference between winning and just taking part.



expert services into the aviation industry


CPP have had a range of work within aviation over the past 10 years. Following recent regulatory changes we are increasingly being asked to assist with AOC's in addition to individual flight crew and related matters. Dr Simon Petrie is a Member of the European Association for Aviation Psychology.


Please contact us for more information, or read more here....

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